What is HeroQuest?

Originally available back in 1990, it has since been re-released in 2021 with new official content being produced regularly.
HeroQuest is one of the original dungeon crawl boardgames!
Easy to pick up, impossible to forget!
It has a thriving community of homebrewers producing more content then you could reasonably play. Come join in the fun!

What is OrcQuest?

Originally a troubled KickStarter it is now a full retail product!
Safe to say OrcQuest is heavily inspired by HeroQuest but it grew into something much much bigger.
HeroQuest but with modular boards?
A stealth mechanic and enemy combat patrols? Hero skills? Multi-layered combat scenarios?
Unique heroes, enemies, and bosses?
Looting? Crafting? Enchanting?
And even more? YES! All these things!
If you love HeroQuest but want something WAY more complex, look no further!


Welcome to the new layout!

It took a bit longer than I hoped but I got the new page layout setup and ready for some content. If you follow along on Reddit, you'll know this started as a desire to have a collaboration space for homebrewers but we see a lot of the same repeat questions from new players and thought it might be nice to have a spot for players to go and get answers to questions they haven't even thought of yet!